October 12, 2,001
 Mohamed Atta - A Statement

Below is a link to a statement from the spirit of Mohamed Atta.  Before we begin his statement we must explain to you how it came to us, for it can, in no way, be called a normal Spirit communication.  Early day before yesterday my Spirit Worker got an unusual message from one of our regular operatives at Baghdad.  It said "Have someone here at the meeting place who desires to converse with you.  Will speak to no one else.  Feel you should come."  My Worker proceeded to Baghdad.  When she arrived the Worker there pointed to an individual hiding in the shadows.  My Worker immediately realized it was a creature of Darkness, a demon.  "What do you want?" she asked.
The demon bowed politely and answered "I've got the guy that flew the plane into the tower!  He wants to make a statement, to tell people what's become of him.  He heard your boss speaks for Muhammed.  Of course there's no way your boss is going to get near him!  He'd fry him in five seconds!  So if your people want to hear what this guy's got to say, you're going to have to handle it!  He won't accept anybody else.  He feels a woman would be safer.  He doesn't know you people that well."
My Worker considered carefully for several minutes then really thought that it was too good an opportunity to let pass, so agreed.  She was escorted to a secluded area where the spirit appeared.  He was extremely distraught, and it was a very difficult session.  He would talk for a little while, then become hysterical, run off into The Darkness, and a little while later return again.  He was extremely repetitive, often saying the same things, over and over several times.  But my Worker patiently noted everything.
Finally he said he was done.  "I mean no offense," my Worker told him, "but as this is makes no sense whatsoever.  But I think I understand what you're trying to say.  Will you let me edit this, lay it out in a more understandable form, and let me bring it back to you and read it, and see if you approve?"
The spirit looked at his companion, who nodded.  "Let him know," the spirit remarked, "when you're ready, then I'll come back."  My Worker labored for three hours, but finally believed she had something that made sense, and called the spirit back, and read him what she had laid out.  When she was done the spirit said "Yes!  You have understood what I wish to say, and made sense of it. I thank you!  All of my brothers thank you.  Allah bless you! Now I go back to making someone else's life as much of a hell as he has made mine."
A lot of what my Worker removed was repetitive sayings such as "Allah is love.  Why didn't we understand?"  "Allah is justice. Why didn't we understand?"  "Allah is truth.  Why didn't we understand?"  Things such as that repeated again and again, that if we used all of them would have taken 20 pages!  Unlike Spirits demons are capable of lying, but my Worker believes that this individual sincerely believes the statements he is making, and considers them true.  We will have to leave it up to each individual to decide how much they want to believe, and, not believe.  But we consider there's a lot of truth in it, that we wish wasn't so.  With this said, this is what this poor soul had to say.


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