October 15, 2,001
A Warning From A Dark One

There has been so much going on this weekend that we really don't know where to begin!  There are several subjects we need to cover.
Though The United States and The Kingdom Of God are at war and we are not supposed to give The United States any direct warnings, a situation has arisen that is so dangerous that we feel we must bring it to The American Government's attention.  During the long periods while my Worker was getting Mohamed Atta's statement where he would disappear for a time, she conversed with the other demon that has been befriending him.  During one of these periods this demon grinned, and commented,  "You know, Bin Laden and his people are trying to make one of your boss' little schemes that he writes about in his silly stories come true...one of the BIG ones, one of the sneaky ones.  It would be one of their worst blows against The United States.  Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants to The Old Obnoxious One, to have one of his own schemes used against him?"
My Worker begged the demon to tell her which one, and he said "Uh uh!  Let old high and mighty figure it out!  Serves him right!"
In the excitement of getting the statement ready, my Worker, for a time, forgot this statement.  But when she realized its importance immediately informed me.  We began to search through our stories and I could not figure what one The al-Qaida network could make come true. And then a reporter announced that The al-Qaida Network controlled a great deal of the illegal drugs coming into The United States.  And then I remembered one of my stories dealt with a plot where a foreign power, angry with The United States because they wouldn't do anything about the drug addicts that were feeding the illegal drug industry, that they put a poison in all the illegal drugs in The United States, that didn't take effect for 72 hours, and then was lethal!  Going over our many plots this is the only one that we can think of that The al-Qaida Network might be able to actually carry out!
Though we have very little sympathy for drug addicts, such an attack as this, at this time, could be devastating to The United States, so we must give this warning to The American Government.  Every effort should be made to gather all illegal drugs in The United States and destroy them.  We would put every law enforcement agency on the effort.  We would not worry about making arrests, but for 72 hours we would make every effort to gather all illegal products;  heroine, cocaine, crank, marijuana, all of them, take them immediately to incinerators and destroy them.  Every precaution should be taken in handling them.  And then, we would pray that either we are very very lucky, or, that our suspicions are wrong.  But still it is a warning we feel, despite our differences, MUST be given.
On another point, we are extremely curious as to why there have been no further major terrorist attacks.  Some of our Spiritual Agents have reports that many of those who were supposed to carry out terrorist acts have become disheartened because the overwhelming Islamic uprisings they were promised in Pakistan and Southern Iraq to rally to The Taliban's cause, have not come about.  Their holy armies have not seized control of other nations, flung themselves at the Americans.  They feel lied to and betrayed, and are therefore, holding back on their missions.  We can only hope that they continue to do so, that many of them will begin to realize that their actions are not helping the Islamic cause, but destroying it. We have some reports of terrorist cells simply breaking up and disbanding their operations, returning home in despair, hoping they will be welcomed and not rejected because of their indiscretions.  We can certainly pray that these reports are true and this phenomena will continue.
We are disappointed to hear that the tribute to John Lennon in England has been canceled due to the hesitance of performers to fly in.  We certainly wish that those having this tribute could reschedule it with local entertainers.  Every tribute to the new Apostle brings power flowing into The Kingdom Of God, which is desperately needed in this crisis.  At this moment in history John Lennon is the greatest power source The Kingdom Of God has, and every bit of power he generates increases our chances of saving the human race even more.  The miracles he has performed are unbelievable!  But there is yet much for him to do.  Keep that power coming!
We have seen some new Zenith commercials for their flat televisions that really disturb everyone in The Afterlife.  In one of these commercials a skydiver falls to his death because a parachute packer, so distracted by a Zenith television, packs laundry in the parachutes instead of the parachutes.  This type of advertising is sickening.  These people are saying that their televisions are so good, so distracting, that people won't do their jobs and get people killed to watch them.  This is what is referred to as shock advertising, and Those in The Afterlife feel it is very VERY inappropriate!  These Zenith commercials are disgusting and defiling to the human nature, and should be banned from the air!  Decent people should boycott Zenith products until Zenith's executives apologize for these unacceptable ads and swear that this type of advertising will never be used by their company again!  The advertising agency that came up with these ads should be put out of business. That is how strongly Those in The Afterlife feel about these commercials!
Thank you for your time and interest today.

Yours In The Service Of All Those Who Bear The Light,
Now And Forever,

Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley

FOOTNOTE:  We have translated Mohamed Atta's statement from Friday's email into French, Spanish, German and Portuguese using the free AltaVista Babel Fish web site translator, and made these pages available through links on the English page.  The links are also translated into these individual languages. We have emailed newspapers  in these countries Friday's email, as we feel it is of the utmost importance, thus the creation of these pages.  Check them out at;


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