October 31, 2,001
Our Most Sacred Day


Not to much to report on this, Our Most Sacred Day, other than that for the first time in many years, full celebrations are taking place, even The Kingdom Of God is joining in a salute to Our Ancestors in gratitude for all that They have done in Its behalf.  A most incredible occurrence!
If energy levels continue to rise as they are rising now,  it is believed that the full celebrations for Jesus' Birthday, September 29th, will be able to take place, which will bring a considerable amount of joy to The Kingdom Of God, for They have not been able to celebrate Their Leader's Birthday for several years.
We send our congratulations to Dan Rather on his birthday.  Jesus still extends to him His offer of an exclusive interview.  He would like none other to speak with Him on what has been happening the last few years, and The Kingdom Of God's Plan For Peace In The Middle East.  Dan Rather is among the most respected news people in the Afterlife, and a worthy recipient of this honor.
Muhammed was a little upset when The Americans suddenly started saying that they had deliberately bombed The Red Cross food distributing warehouses in Kabul, after he had admitted that it was he that had directed those bombs to those targets, and that he had borrowed several other American weapons.  But then he thought "Well, if The Americans are admitting they're following my directions, and bombing where I want them to bomb, that's just as good!"  Muhammed, however, still wishes that more assertive ground actions be taken, especially to secure the areas where his people are starving and to get food to them.  Letting his women and children starve is just as bad as dropping bombs on them!  Muhammed also warns again, of the tremendous danger from Iraq to The Arab Nations. "The Americans," he says, "are not your enemy, they are your friends.  Your true enemy is in Baghdad and will do anything for power, including destroy what you love most."  He again calls on the leaders of Saudi Arabia, to raise an Arab army to occupy Afghanistan and deal out justice to The Taliban, to establish a government for all The Afghan People, not just a minority.  He warns them to strike first before they are struck, for The Evil One tends to destroy them.
Our best wishes to all!  Enjoy the day.  Love Those Who Have Come Before, and give Them your praise for all that They have done for you.

Yours In Their Devoted Service,
Now And Forever,

Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley

Here are the lyrics to John Lennon's song, "Stand Up!" that literally not only saved The Kingdom Of God, but the entire Afterlife.  In celebration everyone will be singing it today at sunset, Jerusalem time, to end this glorious Day Of Celebration with a symbol of unity among all Those in The Afterlife.

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through: Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

We've got to stand up! Stand up!
We may be down but we're not out,
We've got to stand up!  Stand up!
Tell the world what it's all about.
We've gotta stand up! Stand up!
We've gotta give it all we've got.
We've gotta stand up!  Stand up!
We may be down but we're not out.

1.  Sing for peace and freedom,
sing in harmony,
Give up all the evil, help us to be free.
Sing for love and brotherhood,
Come together now my friends,
Sing for peace and freedom
and the world will never end.
(Repeat Chorus)

2.  You've gotta clap your hands and stomp your feet!
Tell everyone we won't be beat!
We've gotta stand up!  Stand up!
We may be down but we're not out!

(Repeat Chorus To End.)

**As of November, 2,006, Linda Polley has made an animated video featuring this song.
Click Here to watch it! It is a 5.80 MB .wmv file best viewed on Windows Media Player!**


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