October 22, 2,001
Clinton Angers Heaven


I am Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, Ruler Of Heaven.
I come to you today to tell you how generally pleased we are with the tribute to New York, organized by Paul McCartney for The Robin Hood Fund.  It has greatly increased the flow of energy coming into The Kingdom Of God.  At last people in America are thinking of something besides economic prosperity at all costs, at any sacrifice!   They are beginning to realize the consequences of uncontrolled greed.
We are glad to say that because of these efforts, the energy flows in The Afterlife have increased to such an extent that we have been able to reestablish total radio service!  Again, every radio station broadcasting in the material world is being rebroadcast in The Afterlife.  Individuals can now keep track of what is happening in Their beloved communities.  If this flow of energy continues, we may be able, within a few months, to reestablish television service, rebroadcast television stations from the material world into The Afterlife so that Those There may again view what is happening in their local communities.
 If the tributes to John Lennon go well in England, if the documentary of the service that has made him an Apostle is well received there, it may well bring us over the crisis point, and bring the energy flow into The Afterlife almost back to the levels that were enjoyed before The Dark One's power corrupted and destroyed so many Souls.  Every tribute to Our Dear John, every celebration of what he did on Earth makes it possible for him to do more in Heaven.  Though We still have a long way to go to victory, to put Jesus back on His Throne, and to bring Mary back to Earth, for the first time in several years there is, again, a feeling of hope.
This flow of energy has also enabled us to help many suffering in The Darkness because of their betrayal of The Kingdom Of God, with their joining of The Anti Christ in rebellion against Jesus' Rule.  Many souls that would have suffered The Second Death are being saved, thanks to the efforts of those that took part in this great gathering of talent!
When Billy Crystal spoke the words from John Lennon's song "Stand Up!", that has saved the entire Afterllife, "We may be down but we're not out!"  a shudder of joy went through the entire Afterlife.  However, moans of disgust and anger came later, when The Dark One (Bill Clinton) appeared on the stage and also uttered words from John Lennon's song, "You've gotta clap your hands and stomp your feet!" obviously, to show his contempt towards The Kingdom Of God.  But The Kingdom Of God still struggles to expose The Dark One's evil for what it is, and end mankind's support of him and his harlot.  And, as We have said before, The Kingdom Of God has forever!  No matter how powerful the living, the day will come when they stand in Judgment, and all Truth will be revealed.
The Kingdom Of God, however, is a little upset with The United States' attack on Israel because they are responding to the murder of one of their officials.  We think it is very ludicrous of The United States, as they rise the world against terrorism, to condemn Israel for acting against the terrorists attacking it!  There can be no double standard to maintain the current coaliton against terrorism.  Terrorists are terrorists!  Everyone has a right to defend themselves against them.  Israel cannot be expected to stand back and do nothing while it is being attacked, while its people are being murdered.  My people have every right to defend themselves, and shall defend themselves!  The Kingdom Of God has a true Peace Plan, a Plan that will work, a Plan that will succeed.  Nothing else will work, nothing else will succeed!
The Palestinian people need a homeland.  It is not up to the Israeli people to give it to them.  It is The Arab People who are responsible for this situation, and it is they who must resolve it.  We could speak all day, but we are not saying anything that we have not said before.  God has given Israel to The Israelis! He has given The Arab Peninsula to The Arabs, and he has given the rest of the world to everyone else.  What God has done cannot be undone, and, will not be undone!
Stop attacking my people for doing what they have a right to do!  Accept God's Plan For Peace, and peace will come.  Remember....that it is The Clintons and their party, with their soft hand attitudes and their inaction that caused the situation that we have today.  It was they who projected the image of American weakness, it was they who would not take immediate action against the murder and butchery in The Balkans, and against other peoples around the world  It was their actions that made the terrorists believe that if The United States were seriously challenged, if they were seriously hurt, they would withdraw from The Middle East and do nothing as Israel was overwhelmed.  It is The Dark One and his harlot that have caused the deaths of thousands, not only in The United States, but around the world, and some day history will acknowledge their guilt!

Yours In The Service Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ,
Now And Forever,

Peter, Called The Rock

FOOTNOTE; Our Dear Alura (Speaker Linda Polley) is beginning work on a book detailing her adventures with Our Dear John, as he rose to his Apostleship.  The proposed title of this new work is "The Makiing Of An Apostle: The Miracle Of John Lennon." We cannot wait until it is finished, and she reads it to us!  We are sure it will be an interesting work, indeed, to view such a phenomena from the beginning, to see a man rise from obscurity to become an Apostle Of The Lord Of Heaven.  Hopefully, someday, the public will enjoy it, also!

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