By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

We have been talking about the technologies of The Old Worlds and the other day I happened to be brushing my teeth and remembered how we used to do this.
Everyone carried a little droid about as big as the metal cap on a pencil that holds the eraser.  Any time after we ate we'd pop this little droid in our mouth, and he would buzz around and use ultrasonic vibrations to remove placque and debris, and a force field generator to push particles from between the teeth.  Sure better than dental floss!
Using this device was so common that we virtually thought nothing of  it.  Dentists had specialized droids so small that they could get in between the teeth, clean out a cavity, and then spray fill it.  And, when they were done, smoothe off the surface so you would never know the tooth ever had a problem!
On the rare occasions when we DID lose a tooth, the dentist could grow us a new one and replace it.
I certainly think we had it much easier with dental hygene than the people of Earth do today...much MUCH easier!

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