October 18, 2,001
Some Knew


I am Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, Ruler Of Heaven!
In the course of the last couple of days two questions have arisen who only Mohamed Atta could answer; "Did all those terrorists on the hijacked planes know that they were on a suicide mission?"  And everyone is curious as to how he is attacking Hussein, trying to destroy him.  These questions were given to Our Dear Demetrius (Speaker Gerald Polley) who gave them to his Spirit Worker, who, in turn, gave them to the demon that is befriending Atta, who actually asked the questions, and, brought back the answers.  Complicated process, but the only way we can receive information from this source.  Atta's answers are these.
"I cannot speak for the others.  After training and insertion I had no contact with them.  But those with me WERE aware virtually from the beginning, that they would be going to their Reward with the conclusion of our mission..or this is what they believed, anyway.  As some failed to report for their mission, did not do what they were instructed to do, I believe they, too, had been told the true purpose of seizing their aircraft.
As to your other question twenty-four hours a day while he is awake and, while he is asleep, I thrust my hand into Hussein's liver and cry "Allah avenge!  Allah destroy!"  I will continue to do so until it rots within him, or, the poison that it is making destroys him."
These are Atta's answers to our inquiries.  Interesting, indeed!
Yesterday a brother was received into Israel, one of my Kinsmen, one of my family, one of Those who fought for God's land, for that that was promised to Israel.  He has been received with honor and praise, and those who murdered him condemned.  This is yet another example of why there can be no Palestinian homeland within the boundaries of Israel.  The mission of most of the Palestinians- not all, mind you, but most - is to destroy Israel, and have only the Palestinian state.  This will never be allowed to happen.  Even if they outnumbered us a thousand to one, God would still give us the power to destroy them, as He destroys all who threaten Israel, no matter how great their power, no matter how good.
Only the foolish, only the insane attack Israel.  Only the doomed claim it rather than The Descendants Of Our Father, who God has given it to.  We do not want The Palestinians mistreated.  Father Abraham's Peace Plan, The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan, will give them their own land, their own place, but they cannot have any part of Israel.  They have again proven that we cannot coexist.  Their purpose is to murder my people,  and destroy my land, and no matter how much they believe they are divinely inspired, God will not permit them to destroy what  He loves.  It will not happen!  Even Demetrius' people, as powerful as They are, and as powerful as They will be, would not consider attacking Israel, would not even contemplate it.  And if a people as great as these will not even try, how can The Palestinians and the terrorists succeed, or, any nation?
God's Will WILL be done!  And God's Will is that Israel belongs to The Israelis, that Israel belongs to my people.
It has come to Our attention that certain individuals are creating false charities to raise money in the name of The World Trade Center victims, but that the money is actually going into their own pockets.  This is a disgrace to The American People and, to the world.  I ask the leaders of The American People to pass laws making it a crime punishable by a sentence of 25 years in prison for anyone to start a so-called charity and then use the money for their own purposes.  God forbid such behavior. Decent people forbid such behavior!  This is not a minor crime, this is a major offense to God, for He has said "No one shall steal from my widows and my orphans.  Those that do should be put to death."

Yours In The Service Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus, Christ,
Now And Forever,

Peter, Called The Rock

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